

  Blood or body fluids:urine, saliva, feces, vomit, and semen



  Body management 尸体管理


  Bury (Burial) 土葬


  Call center 呼叫中心


  Case management 病人管理


  Case tracing 病例追踪


  Close contact 密切接触者


  Confirmed case 确认病例


  Cremate (Cremation) 火葬


  Deployment 调度/部署


  Dispatcher 调度员


  Ebola hemorrhagic fever(Ebola HF) 埃博拉出血热


  Ebola treatment centre (ETC) 埃博拉治疗中心


  Ebola treatment unit (ETU) 埃博拉治疗点


  Ebola virus disease (EVD) 埃博拉病毒病


  Emergency operations center (EOC) 应急指挥中心


  Experimental treatment/ therapy : Zmapp Monoclonal antibody 实验性疗法: Zmapp  单克隆抗体


  Fatality rate 致死率


  Fruit bat 果蝠


  Gap analysis 差距分析/缺口分析


  Human-to-human transmission 人间传播(人—人传播)


  Incident management 突发事件管理


  Index case 指示病例


  Infection prevention and control (IPC) 感染防控


  Isolation/Quarantine 隔离


  Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 无国界医生组织


  Medical evacuation 医疗后送


  Nonhuman primate:monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees 非人灵长类动物:猴子、大猩猩、黑猩猩


  Outbreak intervention 疫情爆发干预


  Personal protective equipment (PPE) 个人防护装备


  Probable case 可能病例


  Protective clothing:Masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles  防护服:面具/手套/隔离衣/护目镜


  Referral 转诊


  Referring center 转诊中心


  Rotating in / out 轮值(上岗/离岗)


  Rumor investigation 谣言调查


  Sitrep 情况报告


  Social mobilization 社会动员


  Sporadic outbreak 散发


  Standard operation procedure (SOP) 标准操作程序


  Subspecies of Ebola Virus:埃博拉病毒分型:

  1.  Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus)扎伊尔型

  2. Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus)苏丹型

  3. Ta Forest virus (Ta Forest ebolavirus)塔伊森林型

  4. Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus) 本迪布焦型

  5. Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus)莱斯顿型


  Survival rate 存活率


  Suspected case 疑似病例


  Task force 特别工作小组


  West point 西点(蒙罗维亚贫民窟,该地有埃博拉隔离中心)